Each year, the New Jersey State Police releases its Uniform Crime Report, the results of a lengthy process which involves the aggregation of data on crimes across the State, analysis of the results, and identification of key trends in the State’s environment with regard to crime. All police agencies in New Jersey are required to provide data as to the specific crimes that occur within their jurisdiction. So, what did the most recent report tell us about Burlington County, New Jersey? Let’s find out.
The New Jersey Uniform Crime Reporting System follows the Federal Crime Reporting System closely, classifying crimes in a similar way. Specifically, the offenses reported must fall within the following categories:
- Homicide
- Rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Larceny-Theft
- Motor Vehicle Theft; and
- Arson
The “Crime in New Jersey” report does not refer to manslaughters, simple assaults, and arsons among the “Index Offenses,” instead classifying them as “violent” and “nonviolent” crimes.
Criminal Charges in Burlington County NJ
The New Jersey Crime Report reflects data from 2015, which allows a comparison with the previous year. In Burlington County as as a whole, there were 7,044 criminal offenses in 2015, a decrease of 7 percent from 2014’s 7,539 offenses. The crime rate for 2015 was 15.6 percent per 1,000 inhabitants. As far as violent versus nonviolent crimes, there were 688 violent crimes in 2015 and 6,356 nonviolent crimes. Clearly, nonviolent crimes vastly outnumber violent ones. Violent crimes decreased 10 percent from 2014 and nonviolent crimes decreased 6 percent. Although there was a decrease in the rates of murder, rape, robbery, and burglary, the rate of aggravated assaults increased by 1 percent. The total value of property stolen in Burlington County was $9,687,104, of which only 19.1 percent was recovered.
Interestingly, there were 19,618 individuals arrested in Burlington County in 2015, which represents a 4 percent decrease from the previous year. Adult arrests decreased by 3 percent to 18,332 and juvenile arrests decreased 12 percent to 1,286 in 2015. Among those arrested for index offenses in 2015, 24 percent were cleared of the charges.
Notably, there are numerous non-index offenses included in the New Jersey Uniform Crime Report data, many of which involve the disorderly persons offenses that are responsible for thousands of criminal convictions every year. For example, there were 1,100 arrests for simple assault; 216 arrests for criminal mischief; 184 arrests for weapons possession and similar offenses; 2,479 arrests for drug abuse offenses (i.e. possession of marijuana under 50 grams); 96 arrests for disorderly conduct; and 1,565 arrests for driving under the influence in Burlington County in 2015.
What to Do When You are Charged with a Crime in Burlington County
When you are charged with any criminal offense in Burlington County or elsewhere in New Jersey, being found guilty can significantly impact your life moving forward, as a criminal conviction on your record can deter potential employers, education institutions, and other opportunities that you may wish to pursue in the future. Additionally, criminal charges can expose you to a host of penalties, including probation, thousands of dollars in fines, community service, loss of your driver’s license, and even time spent in jail. This is why it is essential to have an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting to protect your innocence.
At our criminal defense law firm, we work tirelessly on behalf of clients to have charges dismissed, downgraded, or otherwise resolved in your favor. William C. Fay, has years’ experience defending clients throughout South Jersey, and has earned a reputation for excellent representation and dedication to his clients. If you have been charged with a crime in Burlington County, contact our offices today at 609-832-3202 for a free consultation.